Sunday, July 30, 2006

July 30, 2006

July 30, 2006

We hit the road this morning at a decent hour. It is already hot. The forecast is for even hotter weather today. We continue east along I70 thru Kansas. Our first stop today is Abilene, home of Dwight D. Eisenhower. We stop at the Eisenhower Center to see a short film extolling his life and accomplishments, both as commander in Europe in WWII and as president. He served during extraordinary times we can’t appreciate. I think history will look vary favorably on his presidency in the future. We stroll the grounds of the center and tour his modest boyhood home. We decide to pass on the Ike Museum. I know Abilene also has some prairie history but I don’t see any signs of a historical center, so we get back on the highway.

Our next stop is Fort Riley. Fort Riley is an active army base with a long history. After following some useless visitors signs we head to the base guard shack where we are admitted after showing license, registration and proof of insurance. We head to the Main Post area and visit the US Cavalry Museum. It is ok but not great. Before leaving we also tour one of the original stone barracks now known as Custer House. At one time, they thought Custer had lived there, but that was later found to be untrue. Custer was stationed at Fort Riley at one time when his Seventh Cavalry was formed to fight the Indians.

Once back on the road, we drive until we cross the Missouri River and hit the tall buildings of Kansas City. It is late on a Sunday, so we stop at an extremely nice campground in the adjoining town of Independence, MO. This is our first layover in a big city. Before hitting the sack, I lean over and tell Aimee, “We aren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto”.


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