Sunday, September 03, 2006

August 16, 2006

August 16, 2006

We got up early today to head back up to Machu Picchu. Yesterday I was enthralled by the scenery and didn’t pay attention to the bus ride. This time I watch the route up. There is little room for error on this dirt road. There are no guardrails to prevent us tumbling down 3000 feet to the bottom. Now I know how Aimee felt while I was driving the RV through the mountains.

Once at Machu Picchu we pay full price again despite the guidebook suggesting 50% off the second day. We head straight to the far side of Machu Picchu so we can hike up to Huayna Picchu, the famous mountain that overlooks Machu Picchu in post cards (see yesterday's pic). The trail is only open from 7:00am to 1:00pm and access is limited. Huayna Picchu’s walls look like sheer cliffs but somehow the Incas built a staircase along ledges to the top. It takes us an hour of climbing. It is straight up but we make it with only a handful of stops. Maybe we are finally getting acclimated to the altitude (we are also 4000 feet lower than Cuzco). You can’t tell from the bottom but there is a small village clinging to the top complete with terraces for agriculture. I can’t imagine why they would have built it up here. The last part of the trail is especially steep. At one point we have to squeeze single file thru a cave. I am proud of Aimee for coming along. A month ago, she would have turned around midway.

At the top we take a few pictures and head down. Halfway down there is a trail cutoff to a cave on the mountain backside containing the Temple of the Moon. We follow the trail but turn back after ten minutes. It is another hour to the temple and our old legs are giving out. Back at Machu Picchu we sit on one of the grassy garden terraces overlooking the city. We sit there for an hour resting and having a picnic of snacks and water and wallowing in the scenic beauty.

We take the bus back to Aguas Calientes and have lunch at a French-Peruvian bistro. It is delicious. We write a few post cards and then head back to the hotel to retrieve our bags. The train back to Cuzco leaves just before 4:00pm.


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