Thursday, September 08, 2011

September 4, 2011

September 4, 2011

This morning we drove into the Los Angeles metro area stopping in Simi Valley. There we found Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Library and Museum. I have to say it was very moving listening to Ron again. His message was always upbeat and stirring. I found the museum to be very good, even though we moved through it quickly. We lived this era and know the history well. Incredibly the museum is built around an entire Air Force One jet. I have no idea how they got it on top of this hill.

It almost seems déjà vu listening to Ron speak. Running for governor of California he talked about the poor economy and persistent budget deficits. He solved the state problems. Later running for president, he talked about the ailing US economy. He fixed those problems too. California and the US are in similar straits today. Who is the new Ronnie that is going to save us this time? We might have an inkling if we stay. The Republican Presidential Debate is being held here in a couple days. They asked me to stay and say a few words.

Through one of our RV guidebooks we found a park in Simi Valley just down the road from the library. It is surprisingly empty for a holiday. It is a gem, a small county park hidden away, with no recreational facilities that would lure the locals.


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