Sunday, July 26, 2020

July 25, 2020

July 25, 2020

From Flagstaff, AZ we drove north through Arizona crossing the Colorado River at Page. We soon entered Utah. Approaching Kanab, we got the bright idea that we might snag one of the ten walk-in permits for hiking “The Wave”. We are thinking with all the international travelers banned, our odds are very good. Unfortunately we forget we are dealing with the government. The office is closed, and the staff doesn't answer the phones.

So we continue north to Bryce Canyon National Park. The scenery along the whole drive is dramatic. After checking into our motel, we enter the park. A few months ago, I passed a milestone. I am now eligible for a Lifetime Senior National Park Pass. I am happy to finally be saving the annual fee, but I have to endure lots of ageist comments from Aimee and the Park Ranger.

In the park, we intend to drive to the road’s end and do a hike, but rain cancels that plan. Instead we go to the nearest viewpoints and walk around with our raincoats. The scenery is still astounding despite this being our third visit.


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