Sunday, August 06, 2006

August 2, 2006

August 2, 2006

It has been over a month since we have sold the house and have been living on the road. For all that time I have had the mail sent to my parents’ house in Godfrey. It is now a large stack. Aimee and I spend the day opening mail. Finding my 401K check in one of the letters, we drive to St. Louis and deposit it with Charles Schwab.

To get to St. Louis, we have to travel back over the Lewis and Clark Bridges. Both have been replaced in the last 10 years. The Missouri bridge is an uninteresting highway extension but the Mississippi one was replaced with an ultra-modern cable-stayed bridge. It is very pretty, resembling a giant sailboat. Its construction was portrayed in a NOVA special in 1997 called Super Bridge.


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