Monday, June 04, 2007

May 31, 2007

May 31, 2007

Aimee and I attend a photography walk in the morning. Before leaving on our big adventure last year we got a new high-end digital camera. As we learn more about its features I have gotten into photography and every month I take a few more photos than the previous. The class is fun but I am not sure we learned much.

After lunch we board a tour bus that takes us atop Glacier Point, a vantage point on the southern cliff overlooking the valley. Oh what a vista. From here our first sight is the back of Half-Dome. Wow is it steep. Nevertheless, thru a telescope we can see the hikers that made it to the summit this afternoon. I am jealous. We can also see all the waterfalls that we climbed.

This is a gorgeous spot. I could sit and stare all day but we only bought a one-way ticket so we need to get moving on our hike down. This is my kind of hiking, paying somebody to drive me to the top and then a casual stroll back down. Much easier on my body. It is a great 5-mile hike. It descends down thru a pine forest along a ledge with constant views of the valley. This is high up on my favorite hike list.


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