September 24, 2013
September 24, 2013
From eastern Tennessee we traveled west to Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. We stopped first at an overlook where we see a small river flowing inside a heavily forested valley. After stopping at the Visitor Center we went on to a river access area and walked the shore. Like West Virginia rivers, this area must also have exposed coal seams as highly polished river pebbles of coal litter the shoreline.
On our way south through Tennessee we pass through the town of Dayton that was made famous (or infamous) in July 1925. At the county courthouse here, the Scopes Monkey Trial was held. At that time the teaching of evolution was illegal. A teacher named Scopes agreed to be the test case. The trial was a national media sensation pitting the famous lawyer Clarence Darrow against William Jennings Bryan, a politician who ran for president three times. The museum about the trial is closed already but I know the general story from watching the movie, Inherit the Wind. Scopes was convicted but given a slap on the wrist. During the trial, Bryan agreed to testify as a bible expert. The testimony tarnished his reputation and he died just days afterwards. A statue of Bryan was added a few years ago in front of the courthouse.
A half hour south is a similar park called Obed Wild and Scenic River. We drove down to the river and are surprised to see it is just a tiny stream. Reading the literature we find that in the winter the water rises and becomes a whitewater kayaking hot spot.
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