Saturday, September 07, 2024

September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024

We checked out of our Val Gardena Dolomites guesthouse right after breakfast. After three days of practicing my German on the landlady, I found out she is a Ladino speaker too. This obscure Romance language is spoken only in a couple isolated mountain valleys, all within a few miles of here. I guess this is a testament to how the many geographical obstacles in Europe hindered easy travel and helped foster the many different languages spoken in Europe.

The weather is cloudy this morning making our departure from this stunning locale easier to accept. We have also concluded the reason the mountains are not crystal sharp especially in the morning is because of fireplace smoke. Perhaps coming here in the Summer before Fall is better for photography.

We retraced our path north over the Brenner Pass to Innsbruck and then west toward Switzerland. The scenery is almost as nice as the Dolomites and easier to appreciate now that I am not tired and jet-lagged. Aimee counted 28 tunnels. To break up the long journey we stopped halfway at a "Raststation" for a mediocre over-priced Cappuccino.

After another two hours we made a short detour to Lichtenstein, one of the smallest countries in the world. It only exists because of its isolated obscure location. The first food after crossing the border according to Google Maps was a Casino. The doorman wanted lots of information and the interior was a little creepy so we left immediately. Humorously right down the street we found a cute American Diner that had a great burger and fries. It was the perfect Liechtenstein stop for us.

Back on the road we quickly crossed into Germany and found our next hotel just outside Lindau on Lake Constance (or Bodensee). After resting for an hour we drove to the island town of Lindau and found a spot in the parking garage. This medieval city is small and very touristy. Aimee is in heaven shopping. She bought a few things, but is limited by the size of her carry-on bag.

In between the shopping we check out the decorated old City Hall building and the little port guarded by a large lion statue and the only lighthouse in Bavaria. A Lake Constance tour boat leaves just as we arrive. We have dinner at a Thai Restaurant.


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