December 31-January 2, 2009
Neither Aimee nor I are big long-distance drivers (I would never make it as a truck driver), so we stop a couple more times before arriving back in Tucson. Unfortunately because of the holiday we have to bypass several historic sites. The only extended stop is in Amarillo to spend New Year’s Eve with Aimee’s sister and enjoy a good home-cooked meal.
We are both happy to be back in sunny warm weather but even more excited about having our own furniture again. It is a little worse for wear after bouncing in a truck for 1800 miles but still better than rental. The only downside is the unpacking. We have loads and loads of boxes to unpack. Despite renting a small storage unit for half the boxes, we still have a bedroom full to unpack. It is going to be awhile before things return to normal but in the meantime I finally have a stereo again to play soothing music for the chore.
After several days of unpacking and schlepping boxes back and forth from storage, I can see why people want ever bigger and bigger houses. To store stuff! After living with little “stuff” for the last 2-½ years we have become very comfortable living in tighter accommodations. Now that we have begun to refill our 2-bedroom apartment with personal “stuff”, our formerly spacious apartment is turning cramped. I sense another round of “stuff” abatement coming.
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