Friday, March 25, 2011

March 30, 2011

March 30, 2011

Aimee bought me a Cuisinart Food Processor for my birthday. Since she was so thoughtful I bought her an early birthday present. A solar electric generating system. The one thing we have an abundance of in Arizona is sunshine. We already have a solar pool heating system to harvest some of that energy. That system pumps the pool water onto the roof of the house to be warmed in black mats of small plastic lines. The heater means we can open the pool a month or two early.

We have lots more space on the roof, so I thought Aimee would like to go “green” and add some solar cells. A crew of three came to the house and over the course of four days installed 34 solar panels on the roof, enough to generate a years worth of electricity for us. The production has been remarkably steady in this first week of operation. We made exactly 41 kilowatt-hours each day. That is more than twice what we need right now, but the local utility is storing it for us and will give it back this summer when we turn on the A/C and need more than we can make.

I like the idea of reducing our impact on the environment but I have to admit I like the economics even better. Because my fellow taxpayers are so generous they subsidize over 75% of the cost of the system. All things considered solar is going to cut our electricity costs in half. Plus we will never see a price increase from the electric company.

Hmmm. I am thinking Aimee might like one of those new electric cars for her next birthday.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011

Age has not been kind to me lately. For the last two years my eyes have gotten progressively worse forcing me to start wearing glasses again. I could have lived with that. Unfortunately stronger lenses every six months is no longer fixing the problem. The eye doctor says I have developed cataracts, a cloudening of the flexible lens inside the eye. The doctor rudely ignored all my pleas that I am too young.

I have finally been backed into a corner. Without surgery I am getting so I can't play golf, see writing on the TV or drive the car at night. So I relent. I initially figured this was going to be like my prior Lasik operations. A quick zap by a laser and it is over shortly after I lay down. Not so. This is real surgery with anesthesia. As I lay on the gurney, they attach heart rate and oxygen sensors and start an IV and I ask myself what did I get myself into. Just before I change my mind and leave, the drugs must have kicked in, because the next thing I know I awaken with the doctor working on my left eye. In a few minutes he is done and they start removing the equipment.

When I remove the eye patch that night, I am pleasantly surprised to find I can see the TV again without glasses. Yeah! And there is a noticeable color improvement between my left and my still to be fixed right eye. That loss of color was so gradual I didn’t notice it. All is not perfect though. To eliminate my cataract, they removed my flexible living lens and replaced it with a plastic version. My eye no longer has any ability to see close. None… newspaper headlines are the smallest I can read. I need to make a big decision before I get the next eye fixed. Should I aim to have the right also optimized for distance and forever be forced to carry “reading glasses” everywhere I go. Or should I have the right eye optimized for “close up” and hope my brain can keep the two visions straight?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 15 2011

March 15 2011

The calendar says Spring should arrive next week. In Arizona it comes early albeit delayed a bit this year by the hard freeze we had last month. Not only are most of the plants starting to put out new growth, we are expecting twins. Actually two sets of twins. We have a momma dove sitting on two eggs in the dead lemon tree outside the kitchen. Apparently she doesn’t mind all the dead leaves around her. Twenty yards away in the Palo Verde tree Aimee found the tiniest nest, about the size of a large thimble, made of feathers. A hummingbird nest! And she has two eggs also. While I am taking photos, a cottontail hops by me through the gate into the pool area. Uhoh! Another set of twins on the way!

Friday, March 04, 2011

March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

When we moved to Tucson, I expected to become an Arizona basketball fan. It turned out it was easier to take the boy out of Illinois than the Illini out of the boy. We took our first step tonight and went to one of the last Wildcat home games of the season. Since Michelle Obama’s brother coaches the visiting Oregon State team, I thought I would use our mutual Chicago connection. That and my credit card got me two tickets to the game.

It was a good thing Aimee convinced me not to wear my Illini shirt. Orange is Oregon State’s color too. The game was entertaining but Aimee and I both struggled to understand the local chants of the crowd. At one point near the end of the game with Arizona way ahead, the crowd started yelling, “We want tacos”. We both thought the fans wanted the coach to play the Hispanic players sitting on the bench. That seemed pretty derogatory even by my standards. Actually it was a reference to Jack in the Box offering free tacos if the U of A scores more than 70 points. We had to stop on the way home.

With my deteriorating vision, it was hard for me to follow the game really well. Buying season tickets will have to wait till I get my new eyes or Michelle answers the telephone.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

February 22-27, 2011

February 22-27, 2011

We have been playing a lot of golf this year, an expensive sport. With our interest income still in the bunker I suggested to Aimee that it would be nice to get a job to help our golf. Well Aimee did get employment. Though she didn’t get my economic drift. She took another volunteer job; at the local Accenture golf tournament, as a marshal on the 18th hole, helping control the flow of fans.

I recommended that she try to get the last hole. That may have been ideal for a typical tournament. But this was match play where it turned out most pairings were concluded well before the 18th. Still she had fun and maybe learned a few things by watching the world's best 64 golfers.

Tucson has been host for this tournament the last five years. The region has been on pins and needles waiting to hear if it would continue. Sunday, the final day, may have been the nail in the coffin.

The tournament moved here because of rain delays in California. At the time Tiger told the media it doesn’t rain in Tucson …ahh but it does snow, once in a blue moon. And Sunday was our blue moon. On the bright side it all melted by 10am. But to add insult to injury, play was halted again, albeit only a few minutes, because it began to hail, just on one hole!
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