October 26, 2013
October 26, 2013
One of my nieces moved here for a job and has been living with us until her new apartment is finished. My sister and her husband came out to visit to make sure we are treating her well and to see why Tucson lured her here. Since they are only here for a long weekend, we took them to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. This popular attraction has everything the desert has to offer in one spot. It is a combination zoo, botanical garden and natural history museum.

The trail ends at the site of the twice-daily Raptor Free Flight show, one of the highlights of the park. For this demo, the museum releases a Barn owl and a band of Harris’ Hawks who fly around eating food set out for them. I got a great photo of the owl in flight just before he glided inches above my head.
Despite all the terrific wonders of this very popular Tucson attraction, my sister was enamored with one exhibit in the newly revamped aquarium. One tank held a dozen garden eels native not to the desert but the Gulf of California. I have to admit I thought they were delightful too. They stick their heads out from the sand but retreat quickly whenever a fish swims close.