October 3, 2016
With no TV and no Internet we were in bed early last
night. And up early this morning. After a quick breakfast we are dressed and
driving to the North Kaibab Trailhead.
We are a little nervous. It is
below freezing, and the 8240-foot elevation of the North Rim makes even small chores exhausting.
Because the North Rim is higher and gets more rain than the South, it has
eroded much farther from the Colorado River.
Which means the trail is 50% longer.
It will be our longest hike. I
take a couple Aleve as a precaution hoping my hips will endure the downhill
The first half of the trail is beautiful but does not come
with the great expansive views we are used to on the South Rim.
On the other hand there is no crowd and we
almost have the whole trail to ourselves.
We take it slow to avoid any slips that could cause us problems on this
relatively remote section of the Grand Canyon.
Parts of the trail are narrow and hug a cliff.
With the brisk wind, Aimee is nervous.
Cottonwood Campground at the seven-mile mark is
The final leg of the trail
follows Bright Angel Creek another seven miles to the Colorado.
It is mostly flat eventually meandering its
way through the Granite Gorge.
It seems
to go on and on.
We are in no hurry so
by all rights we should have slowed down and taken longer breaks.
Instead we push on and arrive at Phantom
Ranch just before 2 pm.
We both have a
cold beer in the Canteen.
Maybe that
was why we hurried.
Fourteen miles of downhill is a killer and not
surprisingly we are in bed right after our 5 pm dinner. Instead of the normal same-sex dorm, we have a four-person cabin all to ourselves. We are living!