May 19, 2011
Even though it is May, we awake to snow. Since we don’t see it often, I don’t mind at all. In fact we enjoyed a leisurely drive south thru snow-covered pine forests. Halfway back we stop at Tuzigoot National Monument. This is a National Park location we missed on previous trips thru the area.
The Visitor Center museum is closed for renovations, so we head on to the short self-guided tour. Tuzigoot is the ruins of an ancient Indian pueblo that sits like a castle atop a small hill. This stone “condominium” maybe held some 200 people. Sitting next to the Verde River the Indians cultivated corn in the valley. For some forgotten reason they deserted the site around the year 1400.
We got home in the evening. I took a quick swim in the pool to wash away the memories of this morning’s snow.